Managing Network File Share Data

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Create/Modify a Network File Share Instance

Create a New Subclient

Configure File Server Credentials

Create/Modify a Network File Share Instance

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Required Actions

To create/modify a Network File Share Instance:

  1. To create a Network File Share instance, from the CommCell Browser, locate the correct client computer node, and right-click the File Archiver agent node for which you want the new instance created, click All Tasks, click Create Instance from the shortcut menu, and then click Network File Share.

    To modify an existing instance, from the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance you want to modify, and then click Properties from the shortcut menu.

  2. From the General tab, enter the name (up to 32 characters) for the instance.

    When modifying an existing instance, you cannot change the name of the instance. However, you can change the filer name and credentials.
  3. Enter a name for the NAS filer - see Add/Change Filer Name.
  4. Enter the credentials for the NAS Filer - see Configure Filer/Proxy Authentication Credentials.
  5. Click OK to save the instance.

After creating a File Archiver instance, a default Archive Set is created for the instance type.  You cannot create additional Archive Sets. Default subclients are not created for the default Archive Set. You must create a user-defined subclient for the default archive set. See Subclients - File Archiver for Windows for more information.

Create a New Subclient

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create a new subclient:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the node (agent/backup set/archive set/instance) for which you want to create a new subclient, click All Tasks (if applicable), and then simply click New Subclient for most agents.
  2. Click the General tab or General (Quick Recovery Agent) tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box and type the name (up to 32 characters) of the subclient that you want to create.
  3. Select other options from the General tab as appropriate for the agent.
  4. Click the Content or Databases tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box and Configure Subclient Content as appropriate for your agent.
  5. For all agents (except QR), click the Storage Device (Data Storage Policy) tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box, then select a data storage policy to associate with this subclient from the storage policy list.
  6. For Oracle and DB2 iDataAgents, click the Backup Arguments (Oracle) or Backup Arguments (DB2, DB2 DPF) tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box and Configure Backup Arguments as appropriate for your agent. Note that the backup arguments for Informix are located on the Content tab.
  7. For Migration Archiver Agents, click the Archiving Rules or Rules tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box and configure archiving rules as appropriate for your agent. In order to perform rules-based migration archiving operations, the Disable All Rules checkbox must be cleared.

    If the File Archiver for Windows supports Data Classification, several filter-like configuration fields are defined as archiving rules and are available from the Subclient Properties (Rules) tab. If you want to define content and archiving rules based on file attributes other than volumes, size, and modified time (i.e., if you want to customize your rules), click the Advanced tab and configure as appropriate. Also, stub management options can be configured from the Stub Rule tab. See Configure Archiving Rules - File Archiver Agents for step-by-step instructions.

  8. For ProxyHost and Image Level ProxyHost iDataAgents, click the Pre/Post Process tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box. In the PreScan field, type the path to the batch file/shell script file that contains those commands that are to run before each backup of the subclient, or click Browse to locate and select this file. For ProxyHost and Image Level ProxyHost, the file must reside on the backup host or primary host.
  9. Optionally (if supported for your agent) you can:
  10. Click OK to save the subclient configuration. For QR Agents, this procedure is now complete. For all other agents, continue on to the next step.
  11. The Backup Schedule dialog box advises you to schedule data protection operations for your new subclient. It is recommended you elect to set a schedule now. You can also associate this subclient with an All Agent Types schedule policy (which is automatically created by the system, or can be a user defined Data Protection schedule policy). If you have already associated a schedule policy at a previous level (Backup Set/Instance, Agent, Client, or Client Computer Group) the schedules defined in the Schedule Policy will be automatically applied to the new subclient. See Schedule Policy for more information.

This task is now complete.

Configure File Server/Proxy Authentication Credentials

Before You Begin

This feature requires a Feature License to be available in the CommServe. Review general license requirements included in License Administration. For step-by-step instructions on how to view the license information, see View All Licenses.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To configure filer/proxy authentication credentials:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance icon for the File Archiver Agent for Windows that you want to configure and then click Properties.
  2. Click Configure Password.
  3. Enter the User Name for the domain in which the network storage file server/proxy resides. Include the domain name with the user name. For example, domainA \administrator.
  4. Enter the Password for the User Name entered above.

After all configuration tasks have been completed, reboot the IIS Server and for Celerra instances, the proxy computer where the File Archiver for Windows Agent is installed. This will ensure that the recall service recognizes all the configuration changes necessary to recall archived data.

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