VaultTracker Enterprise - How To

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Track Media using VaultTracker Feature and VaultTracker Enterprise Feature

Tracking Policies

Create a Tracking Policy

Clone a Tracking Policy

Modify a Tracking Policy

Delete a Tracking Policy

View Media Associated with a Tracking Policy

Run a Tracking Policy

Schedule a Tracking Policy

Export Media using VaultTracker

Export Media using the Export Media Wizard

Export Media From a List using VaultTracker

Export Media After a Data Protection Operation

Export Media After An Auxiliary Copy Operation

Pending Actions

Set Automatic Tracking in a Tracking Policy

Monitor and Record the Status of a Media

Virtual Mail Slot

Set up the Virtual Mail Slots in the Library

Tracking history

View the Tracking History

Delete an Action in the Tracking History

Roll Back an Action in the Tracking History

Export Locations

Add/Modify a Location

Delete a location

Media Repository

Add a Media Repository

Specify the Default Media Type for a Media Group in the Media Repository

Add Media to a Media Group in the Media Repository


Establish Automatic Container Generation in a Tracking Policy

Add/Modify a Container

Delete Container Information

Add Media to a Container

Display the Media available in a Container

Iron Mountain Customer Identification Number

Add or Modify the Customer Identification Number

Track Media using VaultTracker Feature and VaultTracker Enterprise Feature

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To track media using VaultTracker Feature and VaultTracker Enterprise Feature:

  1. Create the list of media that must be tracked. This can be done in one of the following ways:
  2. If you have created a Tracking Policy, you must run or schedule the policy, as described in Run a Tracking Policy and Schedule a Tracking Policy.

    If necessary, you can you can view the media associated with a Tracking Policy as described in View Media Associated with a Tracking Policy.

  3. Once the media movement is initiated, you must monitor and record the status of the media, as described in Monitor and Record the Status of a Media.
  4. Once the media movement is completed, you can view the history information for the media, as described in View Tracking History.

Create a Tracking Policy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create a Tracking Policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node, and then click New Tracking Policy.
  2. The VaultTracker Policy wizard guides you through the process of creating a new Tracking Policy.
note.gif (292 bytes)
  • A regular Tracking policy can be created to export media based on the selected criteria.
  • A due back Tracking policy can be created to track the movement of spare media, residing outside the library.
  • Once created the Tracking Policy must be run or scheduled, as described in Run a Tracking Policy and Schedule a Tracking Policy.

Clone a Tracking Policy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To clone a tracking policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node.

    All the available Tracking Policies are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the policy that you wish to clone and then click Clone.
  3. Type the name of the new policy in the Enter Name box of the Clone VaultTracker Policy dialog box. Click OK. The cloned Tracking Policy is displayed in the VaultTracker Policies level of the CommCell Browser.
  4. Right-click the Tracking policy, and then click Properties. The Tracking Policy Details dialog box is displayed.
  5. From the General tab, click the Enable check box. Click OK. The Tracking policy is now enabled and ready for use.
note.gif (292 bytes)
  • You must enable a cloned Tracking policy after it is created.
  • It is recommended that some of the options of the cloned Tracking policy is changed to avoid an exact duplication of the policy.

Modify a Tracking Policy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify a tracking policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node.

    All available Tracking Policies are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the policy that you wish to modify and then click Properties.
  3. Make the necessary changes in the Tracking Policy Details dialog box and then click OK to save the information.

Delete a Tracking Policy

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete a tracking policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node.

    All the available Tracking Policies are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the policy that you wish to delete and then click Delete.

View Media Associated with a Tracking Policy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view the media associated with a Tracking Policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node.

    All the available Tracking Policies are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the Tracking Policy that you wish to view the associated media and click View Media.
  3. The View Media dialog box, displays a list of media that satisfies the criteria defined in the Tracking Policy.

Run a Tracking Policy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To run a Tracking Policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node.

    All the available Tracking Policies are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the policy that you wish to run and then click Run.
note.gif (292 bytes) When a Tracking Policy is initiated, the following are displayed in the CommCell Console:
  • An Event Message is generated to indicate that the Tracking Policy has been successfully initiated.
  • If the auto-acknowledge option is enabled in the Tracking Policy, the system will automatically acknowledge all pending actions associated with the media movement if both source and destination is a location. If the source is a library, the pending actions will be automatically acknowledged when the media is removed from the library.
  • For jobs that require to be manually acknowledged, the Pending Actions are displayed on the right pane of the CommCell Browser, when you click the Action icon under VaultTracker.

You must record the status of the media as it goes through the various stages, as described in Monitor and Record the Status of a Media.

Schedule a Tracking Policy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To schedule a Tracking Policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node.

    All the available Tracking Policies are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the Tracking Policy that you wish to schedule and click Create Schedule.
  3. Create the necessary schedules for the Tracking Policy, from the Schedule Details tab.
  4. Click OK to save the schedule.
note.gif (292 bytes)
  • Schedules for Tracking Policies honor holidays on the CommServe level.
  • When the schedule for the Tracking Policy is initiated, the following are displayed in the CommCell Console:

    An Event Message is generated to indicate whether the Tracking Policy has been successfully initiated.

  • If the auto-acknowledge option is enabled in the Tracking Policy, the system will automatically acknowledge all pending actions associated with the media movement if both source and destination is a location. If the source is a library, the pending actions will be automatically acknowledged when the media is removed from the library.
  • For jobs that require to be manually acknowledged, the Pending Actions are displayed on the right pane of the CommCell Browser, when you click the Action icon under VaultTracker.
  • Options to view, modify, delete or disable schedules are also available. See the following topics for more information:

Export Media using the Export Media Wizard

Required Capability: Library Management

To export media from a library using the Export Media Wizard:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the library from which you want to export media, and then click Export Media.


    The Export Media Wizard is displayed.

  2. From the Export Media window in the Export Media Wizard, choose whether or not to use VaultTracker to export media.
You can also access the Export Media Wizard by right-clicking the media you wish to export in the Media in Library node and selecting Export Media. The Export Media Wizard is then displayed.

Export Media From a List using VaultTracker

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To export media from a list using VaultTracker:

  1. Initiate an Export Media operation as described in Exporting Media From a List.
    An export media operation can be run immediately or scheduled using the scheduling options.
  2. From the Export Media List dialog box, click Advanced.
  3. From the Advanced Options dialog box, click the Use VaultTracker for export option.
  4. Click the Use Virtual Mail Slots option to automatically move the media to a virtual mail slot in the library. Virtual mail slots are defined in the Library Properties (Media) tab.
  5. Click the Auto-acknowledge option if you want the system to automatically acknowledge all Pending movement actions.
  6. Select a Container if the media is added to a Container.
  7. Click the Track Transit option and select the transit location from the list, to track the transit information. Transit locations can be entered using the Export Location Details dialog box.
  8. Click OK to save the information.
note.gif (292 bytes)
  • If the auto-acknowledge option is enabled, the system will automatically acknowledge all pending actions associated with the media movement if both source and destination is a location. If the source is a library, the pending actions will be automatically acknowledged when the media is removed from the library.
  • If the auto-acknowledge option is not enabled, the Pending Actions are displayed on the right pane of the CommCell Browser, when you click the Action icon under VaultTracker.

You must record the status of the media as it goes through the various stages, as described in Monitor and Record the Status of a Media.

Export Media After a Data Protection Operation

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To export media after a data protection operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the subclient for which you wish to perform a data protection operation, and then click Backup/Migrate from the shortcut menu.
    note.gif (292 bytes) Data Protection operations can be initiated immediately or scheduled using the scheduling options.
  2. From the Backup Options/Migrate Options dialog box, select the necessary options.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. From the Advanced Backup Options/Advanced Migration Options dialog box, click the Export Media after the job finishes option.
  5. If necessary, select the option to Exclude Media Not Copied.
  6. If necessary, select the necessary Media Status.
  7. Select the Export Location from the list. Export locations can be entered using the Export Location Details dialog box.
  8. Click the Track Transit option and select the transit location from the list, to track the transit information. Transit locations can be entered using the Export Location Details dialog box.
  9. Click the Use Virtual Mail Slots option to automatically move the media after the data protection operation, to a virtual mail slot in the library. Virtual mail slots are defined in the Library Properties (Media) tab.
  10. If you wish to filter media based on its retention, select the appropriate option.
  11. Click OK to save the information.
note.gif (292 bytes) Once the data protection operation completes, the Pending Actions (for tracking the associated media) are displayed on the right pane of the CommCell Browser, when you click the Action icon under VaultTracker.

You must record the movement action as described in Monitor and Record the Status of a Media.

Export Media After an Auxiliary Copy Operation

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To export media after an auxiliary copy operation:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the storage policy for which you want to perform an auxiliary copy and then click Auxiliary Copy.
    note.gif (292 bytes) Auxiliary Copy operations can be initiated immediately or scheduled using either the scheduling options or a Schedule Policy.
  2. From the Auxiliary Copy dialog box, select the necessary options.
  3. Click Vault Tracking.
  4. From the Select Vault Tracking Options dialog box, click the Export Media after the job finishes option.
  5. If necessary, select the option to Exclude Media Not Copied.
  6. If necessary, select the necessary Media Status.
  7. Select the Export Location from the list. Export locations can be entered using the Export Location Details dialog box.
  8. Click the Track Transit option and select the transit location from the list, to track the transit information. Transit locations can be entered using the Export Location Details dialog box.
  9. Click the Use Virtual Mail Slots option to automatically move the media after the Auxiliary Copy operation, to a virtual mail slot in the library. Virtual mail slots are defined in the Library Properties (Media) tab.
  10. If you wish to filter media based on its retention, select the appropriate option.
  11. Click OK to save the information.
note.gif (292 bytes) Once the Auxiliary Copy operation completes, the Pending Actions (for tracking the associated media) are displayed on the right pane of the CommCell Browser, when you click the Action icon under VaultTracker.

You must record the movement action as described in Monitor and Record the Status of a Media.

Set Automatic Tracking in a Tracking Policy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To Set Automatic Tracking in a Tracking Policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node.

    All available Tracking Policies are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the policy that you wish to modify and then click Properties.
  3. From the General tab of the Tracking Policy Details dialog box click the Auto acknowledge option.
  4. Click OK to save the information.
note.gif (292 bytes) You can also enable the auto-acknowledge option for export media operations. See Initiate Media Movement After An Export Media Operation for step-by-step instructions.

Monitor and Record the Status of a Media

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To monitor or record the status of a media:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the Actions icon, under the VaultTracker icon.

    All the VaultTracker jobs with a pending action is displayed in the right-pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right click the action for which you wish to record the status and then click the appropriate movement action.

    If you wish to record the status for the individual media in the action, right-click the action and then click Details.

    From the Media Action Details dialog box, right-click the media for which you wish to record the status, and then click the appropriate movement action.

    Choose from the following options:

    Status Description
    Reached Destination Use this option to indicate that the media has reached its destination.

    Once the media reaches the destination, the history information for the media can be viewed in the Tracking History window.

    Picked up Use this option to indicate that the media has been picked up.

    This action is applicable only for media movement between two locations.

    Return to Source Use this option to return a media to its previous location..

    This action is applicable only for media movement between two locations.

    Abort Use this option to abort the media movement operation at its current stage.

    This information will be added in the history.

note.gif (292 bytes) Available status:
  • When the media is at source, the following status can be recorded:

    If the current location of the media is inside the library, status cannot be recorded.

    If current location of the media is outside the library, the following status can be recorded: Picked Up, Reached Destination

  • When the media is in the virtual mail slot, status cannot be recorded.
  • When the media is in transit, the following status can be recorded:

    If the destination is an export location, the Reached Destination status can be recorded.

    When the destination is a library, status cannot be recorded.

    If the source and destination are an export location, the Return to Source and Reached Destination status can be recorded.

The status options available for an action (as opposed to the status options available for a media in the Media Action Details dialog box) is the combination of all available commands for all the media associated with the action.

Set up the Virtual Mail Slots in the Library

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To setup the virtual mail slots in the library:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the library for which you wish to setup the virtual slots, and then click Properties.
  2. Click the Media tab.
  3. Click the Virtual mail slot for export option.
  4. Enter the starting slot number that must be used for storing media in the virtual mail slot in the Starts From box.
  5. Specify whether the direction that must be used from the starting slot number. (The options are UP and Down.)
  6. Click OK to save the information.

To use the virtual mail slot, the VaultTracker job must have the Use Virtual Mail Slot option enabled. You can enable this option in one of the following dialog boxes:

View the Tracking History

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view the tracking history:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Actions icon under VaultTracker, and then click Tracking History.
  2. Select the necessary filter criteria from the Media Movement Filter Criteria dialog box.
  3. The Tracking History window displays the history information associated with media movement.

    If necessary, you can roll back or delete an action as described in Roll Back an Action in the Tracking History and Delete an Action in the Tracking History.

note.gif (292 bytes) VaultTracker history information is automatically pruned by VaultTracker after 90 days.

Delete Action in the Tracking History

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete an action in the tracking history:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Actions icon under the VaultTracker, and then click Tracking History.
  2. The Tracking History window displays the history information associated with media movement.
  3. Right-click the action you wish to delete and then click Delete.

    The VaultTracker action is deleted from the history.

Roll Back an Action in the Tracking History

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete an action in the tracking history:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Actions icon under the VaultTracker, and then click Tracking History.
  2. The Tracking History window displays the history information associated with media movement.
  3. Right-click the action you wish to roll back and then click Roll Back.

    The VaultTracker action is rolled back from the history.

note.gif (292 bytes) Roll back option will not be available in the following situations:
  • When the media movement history has a library as the source or destination location.
  • When the media movement history was a failure.

Add/Modify a Location

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To add or modify a location:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Locations icon under the Storage Resources level, and then click New Location.
  2. From the Export Location Details dialog box, enter the following:

    The name of the location.

    Select whether the location is Stationary or Transit location.

    Provide a brief description (optional) for the location.

  3. Click OK.

    The new location is added.

note.gif (292 bytes) Locations can also be added by typing a location name in the VaultTracker operations. For example, Tracking Policy, Export Media operation, etc.

Delete a Location

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete a location:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Locations icon under Storage Resources.
  2. All the available location are displayed on the right pane.
  3. Right-click the location and then click Delete.
  4. Click Yes in the Confirm prompt.

    The location is deleted.

Add a Media Repository

To add a media repository:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Media Repository icon under VaultTracker, and then click Add Shelf.
  2. From the New Shelf dialog box, enter the name.
  3. Click OK.

    The media repository is added.

Specify the Default Media Type for a Media Group in the Media Repository

To Specify the Default Media Type for a Media Group in the Media Repository:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the media group under the appropriate Media Repository, and then click Properties.
  2. From the appropriate Group Properties dialog box, select the Media Type from the Default Media Type list.
  3. Click OK.

Add Media to a Media Group in the Media Repository

Before You Begin

To Add Media to a Media Group in the Media Repository:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the media group under the appropriate Media Repository, and then click Add Media.
  2. You can choose to add specific media using the By Barcodes option or add a range of media using the By Range option.
  3. If you choose the Barcode option, the Media By Barcode dialog box is displayed.

    Enter the barcodes associated with the media in the repository in the Barcodes list.

    If necessary, select an Export Location.

    Click OK. The specified barcodes are added and displayed in the CommCell Browser.

  4. If you choose the Range option, the Media By Pattern dialog box is displayed.

    Enter the range of barcodes using <NUMBERSTART> followed by barcode pattern. For example to add media using the barcode pattern 100, you must specify <NUMBERSTART>100.

    Enter the number of media that must be added. (The system will sequentially add the numbers to the specified barcode pattern. For example, if you add 4 media, media with barcodes 100,101, 102 and 103 will be added.

    If necessary, select an Export Location.

    Click OK. The specified barcodes are added and displayed in the CommCell Browser.

Establish Automatic Container Generation in a Tracking Policy

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To Establish Automatic Container Generation in a VaultTracker Policy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the VaultTracker Policies icon under the Policies node.

    All available Tracking Policies are displayed in the right pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the policy that you wish to modify and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Destination tab and then click Container.
  4. From the Container Definition dialog box, click the Container name pattern option.
  5. Select the label and then click Add Token. The selected label is displayed in the box at the bottom of the region.
  6. Click OK to save the information.
note.gif (292 bytes) The above container name pattern can also be established when the Tracking Policy is created using the VaultTracker Policy wizard.

Add/Modify a Container

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To add/modify a container:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Container icon under VaultTracker, and then click New Containers.
  2. From the Container Details dialog box, enter the following:

    The name of the container.

    The maximum number of media that the container can hold.

    A brief description (optional) for the container.

  3. Click OK.

    The new container is added.

Delete Container Information

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete the container information:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Containers icon under VaultTracker.

    All the containers are displayed on the right-pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click the Container that you wish to delete and then click Delete.
  3. Click Yes in the Confirm prompt.

    The container is deleted.

Add Media to a Container

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To add media to a container:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Exported Media group and then choose Set Location.
  2. From the Export Media List dialog box, click the media that you wish to move to the container from the Select Media for which you want to set the location list. (To select multiple media, press and hold down CTRL or SHIFT keys while clicking.)
  3. Select the Container option and choose the name of the container in which you wish to move the media from the list.
  4. Click OK to save the information.


To add a specific media to a container:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate media from the Exported Media group that you wish to add to a container, and then click Properties.
  2. From the General tab of Media Properties dialog box, select the Container option and then select the name of the container to wish you wish to add the media from the list.
  3. Click OK to save the information.


To add media to a container from a Pending Action:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the Actions icon, under the VaultTracker.
    All the VaultTracker pending actions are displayed in the right-pane of the CommCell Browser.
  2. Right-click a Pending Action and then click Set Container.
  3. From the Set Container dialog box, select the appropriate container.
  4. Click OK to save the information.


To add media to a container when the media is marked as Reached Destination:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the Actions icon, under the VaultTracker.
    All the VaultTracker jobs with a pending action is displayed in the right-pane of the CommCell Browser.
  2. Right-click a Pending Action and then click Reached Destination.
  3. From the Set Container dialog box, select the appropriate container.
  4. Click OK to save the information.
note.gif (292 bytes)
  • You can also automatically create containers and add media associated with VaultTracker Policies as described in Establish Automatic container Generation in a VaultTracker Policy.
  • When the capacity of a container has been reached, VaultTracker automatically carries over any remaining media to the next available container defined in the VaultTracker Policy.

Display the Media available in a Container

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To display the media available in a container:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the Containers icon under VaultTracker.

    All the containers are displayed on the right-pane of the CommCell Browser.

  2. Right-click a container and then click View Media.
  3. The View Media dialog box, displays a list of media available in the container.

Add or Modify the Customer Identification Number

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To add a container:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, click the Iron-Mountain ID icon under the VaultTracker node.
  2. Double-click the desired Customer-Id on the right pane to add or modify the value.
  3. Click OK to save the information.

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