Getting Started - Outlook Add-In - Administrator

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It is recommended that you perform a restore using Outlook Add-In.

Recover a Message

  • Start Outlook
  • Enter your Profile Name.
  • Click OK.
  • Click Add-Ins tab.
  • Click Mailbox Archiver.
  • From the list, select Find and Recover Messages.
  • Expand your mailbox and select a message to restore.
  • Click Recover All Selected...
  • Select Recover all selected items to 'Recovered Items' folder.
  • Click OK.
  • Click the Recovered Items folder in Outlook.
  • View the recovered message.

Congratulations -  You have successfully configured Outlook Add-In.

End users can now recover messages from their mailboxes that have been archived.

Be sure to provide users with the following information before they begin using Outlook Add-In:

If you would like to learn more about additional configurable features for Outlook Add-In, refer to the Advanced Options - Administrator documentation.